MT Quiz


In the June 2 Money Talk Podcast, Mike Hoelzl explained that investment fundamentals appeared relatively strong, so it was good that Congress had finally raised the debt ceiling. What harm to investors did Mike say the political standoff posed?

(Choose one.)

  1. It created uncertainty.
  2. It distracted attention from the Fed.
  3. It caused irrational exuberance.
  4. It lowered interest rates.

(See answer below.)


Steve Giles pointed out in the June 9 Money Talk Podcast that stocks recently entered a bull market phase from a bear market. As Steve described it, what marks the beginning of a bull market?

(Choose one.)

  1. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closes a session up 10% from its previous low.
  2. The S&P 500 closes up 10% from a previous low.
  3. The Nasdaq closes up 20% from a previous low.
  4. The S&P 500 closes up 20% from a previous low.

(See answer below.)


In the June 9 Money Talk Podcast, Tom Pappenfus talked about the dominance of six to eight stocks in a recent rise in market performance. What development did Tom cite as even more encouraging for investors?

(Choose one.)

  1. More use of stock buybacks among those select companies
  2. A broadening of growth to other companies
  3. Shareholder proxy fights to declare more dividends
  4. Increased consolidation announcements by top companies

(See answer below.)


In the June 16 Money Talk Podcast, Art Rothschild talked about the Federal Reserve’s pause on raising interest rates to fight inflation. What did Art identify as the key to when and how much more the Fed will continue raising rates?

(Choose one.)

  1. Economic growth in China
  2. The war in Ukraine
  3. Economic data
  4. The federal debt ceiling

(See answer below.)


In the June 23 Money Talk Podcast, what effect did Adam Baley explain was resulting from moderating inflation and stabilizing interest rates?

(Choose one.)

  1. Bear market for value stocks
  2. Recovery in bonds
  3. Weaker housing market
  4. Increased volatility

(See answer below.)


In discussing bonds in the June 23 Money Talk Podcast, Dave Sandstrom referred to what as a “shock absorber to price movements”?

(Choose one.)

  1. Interest rates
  2. Duration
  3. Credit quality
  4. Asset allocation

(See answer below.)



a. It created uncertainty.

Learn more
Positive signs amid “wall of worry”, by Kyle Tetting
Investor upsides as interest rates risea Money Talk Video with Kendall Bauer
Stocks: Long-term, consistent returns, a Money Talk Video with Dave Sandstrom
Making financial sense of “breaking news,” a Money Talk Video with Art Rothschild
Staying ready for uncertainty, by Joel Dresang


d. The S&P 500 closes up 20% from a previous low.

Learn more
How investors can navigate bear markets, a Money Talk Video with Steve Giles
What to know about bear markets, a Money Talk Video with Steve Giles
Investors and the business cycle, a Money Talk Video with Dave Sandstrom
For What It’s Worth: Bulls and Bears, by Joel Dresang


b. A broadening of growth to other companies

Learn more
Broader views of market movements, a Money Talk Video with Dave Sandstrom
Support for stocks, beyond the calendar, by Kyle Tetting
Concentrated gains, broad participation, by Kyle Tetting


c . Economic data

Learn more
The Fed: What investors should know, a Money Talk Video with Dave Sandstrom
2023 outlooks not bound by the calendar by Kyle Tetting
Fed needs tools, time, incremental tuning, by Kyle Tetting


b. Recovery in bonds

Learn more
Investor upsides as interest rates rise, a Money Talk Video with Kendall Bauer and Kyle Tetting
Bonds also face investment risksa Money Talk Video with Tom Pappenfus
Get the total picture of your investments, a Money Talk Video with Paige Radke


a. Interest rates

Learn more
How bonds fared as Fed has raised rates, a Money Talk Video with Kyle Tetting
Be patient holding bonds as rates rise, a Money Talk Video with Steve Giles
Investment Products: Bonds, from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority

(initially posted June 30, 2023)

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