Ask Money Talk plural

Through articles on the Money Talk page and discussions during the weekly Money Talk Podcast, Landaas & Company advisors offer insights into the ever-changing financial markets. They help long-term investors make sense of what is going on and what it means to their portfolios. To see if you’re paying attention, try to provide the context for a sample of what advisors have talked about recently.


“The forward price-to-earnings ratio of the top 10 stocks in the S&P 500 is around 31.3. The other 490 stocks carry a forward P/E of just 18.7.”

Kyle Tetting mentioned this in a recent Money Talk post to illustrate which one of the following? (Choose one.)

  1. Stocks overall are too expensive.
  2. The S&P 500 is a deceptive gauge of stock performance.
  3. Among stocks, there are vast differences in valuations.
  4. The top S&P stocks are a good deal.

(See correct answer below.)


“Stocks are there to make money over the long term. Don’t look at them. They’ll make you dizzy.”

Art Rothschild said this in the March 12 Money Talk Podcast. Which of the following was the context for his remark? (Choose one.)

  1. Recent record highs for stock market indexes
  2. The role of bonds in an investment portfolio
  3. Following frequent reports on the financial markets
  4. The role of mutual funds

(See correct answer below.)


“I think it will be an environment where picking the right thing is going to make a whole lot more difference than it did in the past, whether that be an individual company or picking a sector or theme or strategy that makes sense.”

Brian Kilb said this in the Feb. 26 Money Talk Podcast. It could be a suggestion that investors should consider which of the following? (Choose one.)

  1. Including actively managed mutual funds in their portfolio
  2. Lightening up on stock allocations
  3. Shifting more toward cash
  4. Increasing allocations to index funds

(See correct answer below.)



Answer: c) Among stocks, there are vast differences in valuations.

Learn more
Valuations: What stocks are worth, a Money Talk Video with Brian Kilb
Stock valuations: Time to buy or sell? a Money Talk Video with Dave Sandstrom


Answer: b) The role of bonds in an investment portfolio

Learn more
Bonds also face investment risks, a Money Talk Video with Tom Pappenfus
Be patient holding bonds as rates rise, a 2018 Money Talk Video with Steve Giles


Answer: a) Including actively managed mutual funds in their portfolio

Learn more
The case for active funds amid volatility, a Money Talk Video with Kyle Tetting
When Should I …consider actively managed funds? 

(initially posted March 25, 2021)

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