The sooner, the better. That’s the best approach to any saving plan.

Children’s education ranks right after parents’ retirement as an investment priority for families. Factors to consider include:

  • How much you expect college to cost
  • How much of the cost you plan to cover
  • How long until the money is needed
  • How much you can afford to contribute on a regular basis

Be certain that you are allocating enough toward your own retirement, and have an adequate amount set aside in an emergency fund.

Contributing: Isabelle Wiemero

Learn more
Smarter saving for college, a Money Talk Video with Isabelle Wiemero (includes links to further resources)
College Finance – How to save, by Isabelle Wiemero
College Finance- How much to help, by Isabelle Wiemero
The power of compounding, a Money Talk Video with Dave Sandstrom
Parents: Put Your Retirement First, by Brian Kilb
Student loan debt impact, by Paige Radke
Saving for College, from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority

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