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2022 Investment Outlook Seminar

In the 2022 Investment Outlook Seminar, a Money Talk Video, Kyle Tetting and Bob Landaas explain the circumstances that brought about the current conditions, what investors might expect ahead and how they should be managing their wealth in the meantime. The video includes discussions with Steve Giles, Dave Sandstrom, Kendall Bauer and Paige Radke.

Summer calm belies uncertainties ahead

By Kyle Tetting
That’s the good news. Despite the generally sour mood on the heels of significant declines in stock and bond prices, broad market measures are stable, and economic indicators have continued to show signs of growth. But even with some renewed optimism, it’s never all good. […]

Evergreen support for nature center

Milwaukee’s Urban Ecology Center connects city residents with nature and one another. […]

Math hints on bonds, balance, recession

By Kyle Tetting
While I believe a focus on current economic conditions may be shortsighted, it’s worth understanding just where we stand. There’s always a danger in saying “this time it’s different,” but nuance is critical to understanding just what matters as we plan for what comes next. First, and foremost for me, interest rates have suddenly made bonds more attractive.

Seeking answers in wrong questions

By Kyle Tetting
I’m frequently asked, especially recently, how we know we’re in a recession.
To be technical, we aren’t officially in a recession until the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) says we are in a recession. And, while GDP growth is a consideration, the NBER looks at the pace of broad economic activity over the span of months in making their determination.
I bring up the technical definition as it reminds me just how irrelevant the actual pronouncement may be for our expectations.

Good things come to investors who wait

By Joel Dresang
Patience is a necessary virtue for long-term investors. It directs us to stay still instead of rushing for the exit during stock sell-offs. It cautions us to remain calm as we watch the declining value of bonds we may be counting on in the short run. […]

Finding direction in the fundamentals

By Kyle Tetting
Earnings and interest rates.
As I explained recent weakness in markets with some very patient clients in my office, those words brought me back to reality. I’d spent a few minutes opining on the actions of the Federal Reserve, the prospects of recession and the pressures of inflation. When I had finished my dissertation, my clients asked a simple question: “What are those two things Bob always told us mattered?”

Risk, rotation, resilience, rebalance

By Brian Kilb
Let’s step back, take a deep breath, and revisit a few key portfolio thoughts in these challenging times. […]

Fed needs tools, time, incremental tuning

By Kyle Tetting
As I returned from my second trip to the hardware store in as many hours, I recalled comments from my dear colleague, Brian Kilb, who has said you can tell a lot about the difficulty of a project by how many trips you had to make to the hardware store. That carries a broader application for investors today. It relates particularly to inflation as the Federal Reserve faces a constantly moving target, may not have all the tools for the job and operates under a dual mandate, which adds to the complexity.

War in Ukraine reminds us of role for bonds

By Kyle Tetting
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has raised important questions about the direction of global markets. The devastation and humanitarian impact have been immediate. At the same time, uncertainty surrounding international response has challenged efforts by global central banks to navigate inflation while sustaining economic growth. Though uncertainty is an ever-present part of investing, the market response to this conflict so far reflects unknowable questions, let alone unknown answers.

Self-awareness helps you help advisor

By Brian Kilb
Much of the time we spend together is trying to find some means for you to feel financially secure. That in no small part involves identifying financial risks, explaining those risks, and getting you comfortable that we have addressed those risks the best we can. Pretty straight forward. But then again not. […]

Pandemic lesson: Invest in resilience

By Kyle Tetting
It took longer than we anticipated, but 2021 provided opportunities to get back to things we did prior to the pandemic. Of course, the path to recovery has not been a straight line.
As much as we want to cross the finish line on the pandemic, for now, declaring victory may be more about resilience than outright conquest. But if there’s a lesson to be learned from 2021, investors shouldn’t be afraid to bet on resilience.

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