An occasional sampling of what’s catching the attention of folks at Landaas & Company
The highest volatility in stock trading in nearly four years sent some investors searching for the panic button. An article in The Wall Street Journal offers suggestions for keeping your head amid wild markets.
Suggested by Kendall Bauer
The Roth IRA has arrangements that make it better or worse than a traditional IRA, depending on the investor’s circumstances. But it’s still an account for retirement savings, which raises the question (explored in an article in USA Today) of when, if ever, it’s too late to open a Roth.
Suggested by Art Rothschild
Public disclosures show Berkshire Hathaway Inc., sidelined $189 billion in cash. But, as Business Insider reports, the record cash position does not signal that Chairman and CEO Warren Buffett is bearish on stocks.
Suggested by Kyle Tetting
A speech by Federal Reserve Board Chair Jerome Powell suggested that the Fed’s long-awaited easing in interest rate restrictions may be imminent, shifting speculation from how soon to how much and how long Fed policy makers may be cutting rates
Suggested by Mike Hoelzl
New research reported by MarketWatch shows a record number of millionaires among 401(k) retirement account holders, while a separate survey found many of those who already have retired wish they would have started saving younger.
Suggested by Blake Miller
Reports of (another) big data breach and leaked personal information (including Social Security numbers) serve as (another) reminder to be careful online. “Our lack of data privacy and security is intensely hateful, but in the short and medium term, the only thing we can do is lock ourselves down as best we can,” Ron Lieber writes in The New York Times. He includes advice.
Suggested by Joel Dresang
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