To further enhance its customer service, Landaas & Company has added two new investor associates, Tom Pappenfus and Mike Hoelzl.

Tom came to the firm as a summer intern and quickly showed his enthusiasm for financial services and working with clients.

“My passion for finance and investing started in high school and continued through college and now my MBA,” said Tom, who plans to graduate from Marquette University in December. “I have gained a great deal of customer service skills helping clients with banking, loans and insurance, but my itch to do more in-depth financial planning has led me to Landaas & Company.”

Tom is a 2005 graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, where he also studied finance and was president of the Finance Club. His prior experience includes work as a personal banking officer and an insurance agent.

Mike Hoelzl is embarking on an investment career after years of customer service experience running Midwest Espresso in the same building as Landaas & Company.

“I’m looking forward to meeting customers and keeping in touch with them on a much different level than down in the coffee shop,” Mike said. “This is about helping to set people up to enjoy the rest of their lives.”

Mike is a 2002 graduate of Rockford College. His experience includes sales and promotion work as well as coaching basketball – at both the high school and college levels.

initially posted July 26, 2012

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