There is a necessary balance needed between security and convenience. Stronger security often leads to less convenience for home computer users.

In the case of the Morningstar Client Web Portal, users are allowed five login attempts before their account becomes locked. Once an account is locked, Landaas & Company associates have to communicate with Morningstar on the client’s behalf to get the account unlocked.

Clients have the ability to reset their password before the account becomes locked.

One of the most important things to remember is to use the correct email address associated with the Morningstar web portal. If in doubt, your Landaas associate can verify which email address was used when the web portal was first activated.

Follow these six steps to reset your web portal password. (Remember, this will work only if the account is NOT locked.)

1. Access Morningstar Client Web Portal at


2. Click “Click Here” next to Forgot Password?


3. Enter the email address associated with the Morningstar Client Web Portal.



4. Check your email and click the hyperlink in the email message received from Morningstar. This will take you to the Create New Password page.


5. Enter the email address associated with the Morningstar Client Web Portal.

Enter a new password, and then enter it a second time to verify.

Note the password requirements. The following symbols are allowed:  ! @ # $ % ^ * ? _ ~   (The _ is an underscore, not a space.)


6. If successful, you will see the following dialogue. Click “Enter Client Web Portal.”


If you have trouble logging in to your Morningstar Client Web Portal, we hope these steps will save you from getting locked out. If you are locked out, please call a Landaas associate at 414-223-1099 or 800-236-1096.

(initially posted March 6, 2014)

To learn more about the Morningstar web portal, please click here for our introductory and tutorial videos.

For a video on the Landaas & Company technological commitment to clients, please click here.

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