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My outlook for investing in 2025: 2-0-2-5
2024 largely came in line with what we had expected for a steady but solid economy. And 2025 looks to be more of the same.
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Past Articles
Efficiently allocating assets
The mix of stocks and bonds can make a significant difference in an investor’s risk-adjusted returns. That’s why it’s wise to focus on asset allocation, as Steve Giles shows in a MONEY TALK VIDEO. […]
Alpha: Putting investment return in the context of risk
It is first in the Greek alphabet, but as an investment tool, alpha takes a back seat to beta for investors concerned about risk. Kyle Tetting explains in a MONEY TALK VIDEO. […]
Beta: Learning how risky an investment might be
Kyle Tetting explains in a MONEY TALK VIDEO how investors can consider an investment’s potential risk compared to a benchmark. […]
Efficiently lining up reward and risk
In seeking the optimal investment return at the level of risk they’re willing to take, investors can use the Efficient Frontier model, Steve Giles says, to help find an appropriate mix of assets to consider. MONEY TALK VIDEO
Talking Money: Measuring risk/reward
This MONEY TALK VIDEO, with Kyle Tetting, introduces some of the statistical tools used to help measure risk and return. […]
Talking Money: Modern Portfolio Theory
Modern Portfolio Theory aims at balancing asset allocations to optimize investment return at a given level of risk. It’s a prize-winning approach to investment management, as Kyle Tetting explains in a MONEY TALK VIDEO. […]