Considerations abroad should figure more into investment strategies, Bob Landaas writes in the latest bimonthly magazine of the Wisconsin Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

For the third year in a row, the professional association has invited Bob to share his economic outlook with its 8,000 members.

In the January/February issue of On Balance, Bob makes a case for thinking more globally about investment opportunities – particularly in emerging markets.

Please click here to read Bob’s article, “2011 Economy: Looking beyond the U.S.

“For the first time in history, America is experiencing economic recovery led by the emerging markets. Instead of the American consumer driving the economy back to prosperity, booming markets in such up-and-coming countries as China and India are leading the way,” Bob writes.

He adds: “Those who remain stuck in the U.S.-centric view will be left behind by the growth in the developing world.”

Established in 1905, the Wisconsin Institute of Certified Public Accountants is the leading professional organization for Wisconsin CPAs. Its members work in industry and business, public accounting, government, nonprofit and education fields.

Bob Landaas is president of Landaas & Company.

initially posted January 31, 2011

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