Whenever you anticipate a life-changing event in your family – marriage, having a child, retirement, major illness.

Ask about your beneficiaries during your annual or semi-annual investment reviews.

Be aware of who’s designated as beneficiaries in each of your investment accounts – IRAs, 401(k)s, pensions, insurance and annuity contracts, bank and brokerage accounts. Be sure that you have named primary beneficiaries as well as contingent beneficiaries.

Contributing: Art Rothschild, Isabelle Wiemero

Learn more
Designating your beneficiaries, by Isabelle Wiemero
The ABCs of RMDs, by Clare McNamara
Moving on and sorting out, by Lisa Lewitzke
Plans to consider, by Lexie Brown
When a loved one passes, what happens to their accounts?, by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority

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(initially posted Feb. 2, 2017)

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