
An occasional sampling of what’s catching the attention of professionals at Landaas & Company

The investment chestnut advising “time in the market, not timing the market” was tested by analysts at Morningstar. They compared returns on strategies of buying and holding stocks, vs. buying only when the stocks looked undervalued. Their finding: Buying and holding generated higher returns over the past 21 years.

Suggested by Tom Pappenfus

Among the ways long-term investors should diversify their portfolios is to include non-U.S. stocks in their holdings. Domestic stocks have had a distinct advantage over non-U.S. in recent years, but an article in The Wall Street Journal contends, “this an especially good time to diversify.”

Suggested by Kyle Tetting

Economic signs continue to suggest a gradual, uneven slowdown following historic moves by the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates. But consumer spending, “especially among the wealthiest Americans,” has softened the drop-off, according to a piece in The Washington Post.

Suggested by Joel Dresang

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(initially posted Nov. 30, 2023)

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