Bernadette Moyer was about to launch her college softball career. She and her team were heading to Florida for a spring tournament to start the season. It was a moment she had dreamed of and prepared for since she started playing T-ball at 5.

Then COVID hit. The tournament was canceled, the season scrapped, her dreams dashed.

After the shock, Bernadette envisioned her life without softball. She had begun college thinking she’d be a teacher. The second of six siblings, she was comfortable around children.

“All I knew was that I had a deep passion for helping people,” she recalls.

The pandemic gave Bernadette pause to reconsider. She had a head for numbers and considered how she could put it to use.

“After learning about what finance is and how it really intertwines with helping people, I figured this could be the path for me,” she says.

Bernadette has worked since she was 15 – busing tables, serving food, painting houses, even cleaning bathrooms at a fitness club where she was a sales associate. She appreciates her earnings especially because she’s paying for her college education. She has learned by necessity to budget her money.

Bernadette says she’s eager to keep learning about finances and investing to benefit others.

“I just want to be able with all the knowledge I pick up along my journey,” she says, “to pass that along, so more people can live comfortable, happy lives.”

Bernadette grew up in Mequon and studies at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She enjoys longboarding, working out, being outside with her dog and reading self-improvement books.

(initially posted June 30, 2023)

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