Category: Talking Money

  • Valuing Investments: Price-Earnings Ratio

    Investors weighing whether to buy, sell or hold stocks can use the price-earnings ratio to put an objective value on the investments. Dave Sandstrom explains in a MONEY TALK VIDEO that it’s a tool better used for the broader market than individual securities. He also says be sure what kind of P/E you’re using. […]

  • Talking Money: Benchmark

    By Chris Evers Investment benchmarks are tools that summarize the performance of a broad market to gauge the relative performance of a specific investment. Benchmarks provide important perspective. By measuring the performance of an investment against the proper benchmark, investors can see how well their investment has done relative to the overall market in which…

  • Talking Money: Mutual funds

    In our latest feature explaining more about common investment terms, Adam Baley describes how mutual funds offer affordable access to professionally managed, diversified investments. Despite vast variety among more than 8000 funds, Adam highlights four key benefits that mutual funds have in common. […]

  • Talking Money: Total Return

    Long-term investors need to measure performance through total return. As Paige Radke explains in our latest feature on financial terms, total return represents how much an investment has actually made for an investor by accounting for both capital appreciation and income. […]

  • Talking Money: Measuring risk/reward

    This MONEY TALK VIDEO, with Kyle Tetting, introduces some of the statistical tools used to help measure risk and return. […]

  • Talking Money: Modern Portfolio Theory

    Modern Portfolio Theory aims at balancing asset allocations to optimize investment return at a given level of risk. It’s a prize-winning approach to investment management, as Kyle Tetting explains in a MONEY TALK VIDEO. […]

  • Talking Money: Growth Investing

    To foster financial literacy, the Talking Money feature covers common terms and concepts used in personal finance and investing. This edition, from Kyle Tetting, looks at growth investing.

  • Talking Money: Inflation

    To foster financial literacy, the Talking Money feature covers common terms and concepts used in personal finance and investing. In this edition, Adam Baley answers questions about inflation and what it means to investors.

  • Talking Money: Quantitative Easing

    To foster financial literacy, we regularly feature discussions on common terms and concepts used in personal finance and investing. Here’s an article from Joel Dresang and Tom Pappenfus on quantitative easing. Central national banks, including the U.S. Federal Reserve, have ways of trying to stir a stagnant economy by encouraging spending and investments. The most…

  • Talking Money: Correlation

    To foster financial literacy, our weekly podcasts regularly feature discussions on common terms and concepts used in personal finance and investing. Here’s an edited transcript of a conversation with Bob Landaas and Brian Kilb. Bob: Correlation is the movement of asset prices relative to other asset prices. If an asset class has a high correlation with…