Category: Economy

  • What is up with inflation?

    12-month change in Consumer Price Index

    Our insurance agent emailed us last month to explain why our homeowner premium jumped 20% from a year ago.

  • 2023 Investment Outlook Seminar

    The first in-person Investment Outlook Seminar in four years is now a Money Talk Video, featuring Bob Landaas, Kyle Tetting and Dave Sandstrom. […]

  • Retirement spending to the rescue?

    Besides showing the strongest inclination among age groups to increase spending, seniors also tend to be wealthier. […]

  • Implementing data, cultivating outlook

    weather vane

    “Some of the most rewarding periods for investors have come alongside the need for meaningful problem solving.”

  • Halfway through 2023, outlook improving

    By Kyle Tetting Reasonable caution is always appropriate, but investors too focused on the risks missed out on a lot across the first six months of 2023. […]

  • No recession yet, the White House says

    By Joel Dresang Two consecutive quarters of negative GDP do not a recession make. Back-to-back declines in gross domestic product is a common quick-and-dirty description of a recession. Technically, it’s much more complicated. […]

  • Recession’s not over till the NBER sings

    Economists involved in business cycle information are painstaking when pronouncing the end of a recession. Over the past five downturns, they averaged 15 months between when the recession was over and when they said so. On three of those occasions — 1980, 1991 and 2001, the lag between the turning point and the bureau’s declaration…

  • Economy keeps counting on consumers

    Much of the optimism for the U.S. economy is the health of consumers. […]