Reuben Reese headshot

Chief Information Officer

Reuben Neese

When Reuben Neese was 8, he dismantled and repaired his family’s VCR, demonstrating precocious curiosity and a resolve to accomplish what he sets his mind to.

Finances cut short his art school education, but then Reuben applied his curiosity and pluck to the U.S. Army, where he earned specialized training in telecommunications and information technology for the Department of Defense.

While in the Army, Reuben also attended night school, attaining a degree in electronics engineering, later followed by a degree in computer network engineering.

After the military, Reuben became an accomplished graphic artist while building his information technology career, including consulting in law enforcement and the legal and financial industries.

“The Army encourages a heightened attention to detail, patience and respect – all necessary attributes when working in information technology for the financial services,” Reuben says.

Reuben joined Landaas & Company in 2008. He and his wife, Lauren, have a son and daughter.