Jason Scuglik headshot

Information Systems Administrator

Jason Scuglik

Jason Scuglik’s relationship with technology began with his relationship with his father.

“I was a little kid when he sat me down in front of his computer,” Jason recalls. “I’ve been running computers as long as I can remember.”

Jason’s father taught information technology at the technical college in Rhinelander and ran computer consulting businesses on the side. Jason pitched in, building computers for his father’s customers before he could drive.

Jason got a degree in management information systems from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Then, he took a promotion at the pharmacy where he had been working, which led to further promotions and a 12-year career in retailing. On the side, though – entrepreneurial like his father – Jason had built a technology consulting business.

Eventually, Jason was able to rely on his self-employment and even boosted his expertise with a specialized degree, with honors, from Milwaukee Area Technical College.

Jason’s role at Landaas & Company is making sure the technology that advisors and associates use in serving clients is dependable and efficient.

“I bring that customer service background that I’ve had my whole life,” Jason says, “doing the right thing for customers and giving them the best experience they can have.”

Jason lives in Milwaukee and enjoys cycling, being outdoors and restoring antique electronics.