Linda Hager headshot

Registered Representative

Linda Wallestad Hager

Works with investment advisor Adam Baley

Linda Wallestad Hager already had nearly a decade of rich and varied financial services experience before she came to Landaas & Company in 1999.

Linda saw Landaas & Company offering the sorts of challenges and advancement she wasn’t finding in other firms.

“It had a family feel to it. They offer you the opportunity to go as far as you want here – and give you the resources to do it,” Linda says.

Besides the pace and variety of her work, Linda relishes her interactions with clients, with whom relationships extend beyond transactions and include sharing life events, from births to funerals.

“We have second-generation clients at the firm,” Linda says. “That says a lot about the integrity of this place.”

Linda grew up in Alabama and has a history degree from Auburn University. Linda and her husband, Mike, live in Tennessee and enjoy taking motorcycle trips and spending time with their two Shih Tzus.