Debi Rybicki headshot

Registered Representative

Debi Rybicki

Debi Rybicki began her career in financial services after graduating from college. She earned licenses as a registered representative and commodities broker and worked at a large Milwaukee-based brokerage firm for a number of years.

Debi left the firm to raise her two sons. During that time, she also owned and operated a small business.

Debi re-entered the workforce doing bookkeeping for a business owner who happened to be a client of Landaas & Company. After the business sold, the client recommended Debi to Bob Landaas, who was looking for an experienced associate. Debi joined Landaas & Company in 2003 and earned her license for a second time as a registered representative.

Debi says she has particularly appreciated her direct involvement with clients:

“Landaas and Company is so client-oriented, so service-oriented, and so different from my previous brokerage experience.”

Debi grew up in Alpena, Michigan, and has enjoyed living in the Milwaukee area since graduating from high school.

Outside of work and her family, Debi enjoys golf, travel, scrapbooking and cooking.