Nicole Eirich headshot

Registered Representative

Nicole Eirich

At a young age, Nicole Eirich established a personal connection with investing.

Growing up, Nicole spent time with her grandfather selecting stocks she’d buy with what she saved from her allowance and birthday money. She’d research a company and report to her grandfather, who ran a brokerage in Chicago. He matched her investments.

“It was a way for us to bond,” Nicole explains.

As she got older and earned money from babysitting and cleaning houses, Nicole’s investments grew. She eventually sold them to pay for college, where Nicole pursued financial planning and allocation advising.

“Helping people accomplish their goals,” is how she sees it. “I help them financially, but I think that leads to more personal goals, too.”

Nicole’s career includes investment positions in various capacities at firms in Madison, Brookfield, Wis., and Milwaukee. She prefers working more closely with individuals. And at Landaas & Company, she says she has found a place that feels like family.

Nicole is a Certified Financial Planner, having completed her training in half the time it usually takes. She has a degree in financial planning from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Nicole and her husband, Ben, live in Port Washington. They have two cats, Eddie and Emma. Nicole is an avid reader of fiction and a gardener by necessity: “It’s growing on me,” she says. She also enjoys time with family and friends.