Adam Baley headshot

Vice President

Adam Baley

Registered representative, works with associate Linda Wallestad Hager

Adam Baley puts a high value on family time. Not just time with his own family but with the families he has been following and advising for more than two decades.

“My favorite part of the job is serving multiple family generations,” Adam says. “Many of the clients I serve today are the children and grandchildren of the families I first helped.”

Adam first arrived at Landaas & Company as a college intern. While mastering back-office production, he attained training and licensing to begin working with clients.

Adam is an honors graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee with a degree in business administration and an emphasis on finance and economics. Besides interning at Landaas & Company, Adam was a calculus tutor in college. Both jobs entailed math, teaching and assisting others.

“My passion for learning and teaching are inseparable,” Adam says. “Most people find the markets and economy challenging to grasp, which is why I enjoy helping clients understand how these ever-changing pieces impact their investment decisions and financial goals.”

Adam grew up in Wauwatosa and lives in Brookfield with his wife, Sarah, and their daughter and two sons. Once an avid athlete himself, Adam now helps coach youth soccer, baseball, basketball and football.